MISSION: We help build your knowledge with new coping skills, to have a better understanding for any situations. Emociones Anonimas is dedicated to providing quality services in an accessible manner focused on the needs of clients of all ages and socioeconomic levels. Understanding the problems of the individuals in your life would be a starting point by helping them recognize the needs for a positive change. Emocionens Anonimas focuses on the need for internal change rather than blaming others for the negative consequences of their behavior. Emociones Anonimas is an alternative to personal change, we do not work with court ordered programs or probation officers. We are a non-profit organization where you can donate your time, animal food, supplies and anything within your means. Our objective here is that our animal therapy is to improve physical,social,emotional and cognitive function.
These are a few pictures of our rescue animals; we have chickens, pigs, alpacas, ducks, dogs, rabbits, cats, a horse and a sheep.
MISSION: Conocimiento de la las destrezas para un futuro con entendimiento. Emociones Anonimas esta dedicado a proveer servicios de calidad de una manera accessible y enfocada a las necesidades de los clientes de todas las edades y niveles socioeconomicos Entender la problematica de los individuos en su vida seria un punto de partida ayudandoles a reconocer las necesidades para un cambio positive. Emoiones Anoninas se enfoca en la necesidad de un cambio interno en lugar de culpar a otros por la consquencias negativas de su conducta. Emociones Anonimas es una alternativa a el cambio personal, no trabajamos con programas mandados por corte ni con los oficiales de probacion.